Discipleship Matters

Discipleship Matters

Do you have a desire to go even deeper in your walk with God? Do you want to learn how to walk alongside others as they grow toward God? Discipleship Matters is a resource for those who respond with a hearty yes. Readers will learn what discipleship looks like and how it grows through the stories and guidance of experienced disciple-makers. Each bulletin includes insightful articles about Christian discipleship and Scripture that reinforces those same themes. This is a useful tool for equipping Christians to practice personal discipleship and for encouraging a culture of discipleship in your church.

Have A Good Day

Have A Good Day

For decades, Have a Good Day has been making readers smile. With funny stories, light-hearted cartoons, fun puzzles, and an encouraging devotional on the back of each issue, this bulletin is perfect for sharing a laugh and a positive message with others. With hundreds of thousands of copies distributed each month, Have a Good Day subscribers have found several creative uses—including inserts for church bulletins and ministry newsletters or leaving them out for people to pick up at hospitals and nursing homes. It’s a fun and simple way to share the love of Jesus with others.

Church Around The World

Church Around The World

The Church Around the World bulletin helps your local church stay updated on the needs, challenges, and successes of the global church. You’ll read about the ministries supported by the Tyndale House Foundation and their unique missions and needed prayers as they serve the Kingdom of God. In each issue, The Voice of the Martyrs provides prayer requests from persecuted churches all over the globe. You’ll also read recommended Scriptures and prayer prompts from The One Year Pray for the Persecuted Bible. Share this monthly handout with your church as an important resource and reminder for prayers needed for the global church.

Focus On The Family Bulletin

Focus On The Family Bulletin

Focus on the Family’s global Christian ministry is dedicated to helping families thrive in today’s world. The Focus on the Family Bulletin is a publication designed to do just that. Each four-page bulletin features articles by respected family experts, coaches, and counselors eager to meet the needs of parents and their children. More than 700,000 monthly readers are also kept informed about current events that affect the family and ways to get involved. Including fun and practical ideas to shape your own family’s life, ways to discuss tough questions with your kids, and plenty of anecdotes about families much like the ones you know and love, the Focus Bulletin is specially created with your family and your church’s families in mind
